

Born: 1865

In: Sha Kong

Father: Choie Sew Hoy

Mother: Young Soy May

Born in Sha Kong village in 1865, Choie Kum Poy came to New Zealand in 1882 at the age of 15. He was educated at Dunedin Normal School and was fluent in spoken and written English.

In 1897, when his brother Choie Kum Yok returned to China, Kum Poy remained in Dunedin. The two brothers thus became responsible for the New Zealand and Chinese ends of the family enterprises. Kum Poy was the secretary of the gold sluicing operation at Nokomai and, after his father died in 1901, Kum Poy also took over the running of the Sew Hoy store. Like his father, he became known as Sew Hoy, rather than Choie, and he adopted this name.

Kum Poy Sew Hoy had two wives. He had one son, Choie Kang Niel, by his first wife, Kong Ching Lam, in China. Kang Niel married and had two daughters. In 1899, in Dunedin, Kum Poy Sew Hoy married Louisa Mong, daughter of Chau Mong, a Lawrence merchant, and they had nine children.

Kum Poy's major achievement was the further development of the Nokomai goldfield where he and his father had begun large-scale sluicing in the 1890s. Kum Poy and his father had invested large sums of money, and floated a public company.

By the 1930s the mining at Nokomai required a large workforce and used complex machinery including a dragb ucket which held six tons. Kum Poy made a large loan to James Fletcher, whose company also played a big part in the Nokomai mining and helped launch the Fletchers Coy to prosperity.

Later Sir James Fletcher said of Kum Poy that he was "a remarkable man whose word was his bond and even in adver ity he never accepted defeat."

Kum Poy Sew Hoy died in 1942 and was buried in his mandain's robes in the Southern Cemetery, in a grave site originally selected for his father.

Choie Sew Hoy & Kum Poy Sew 徐肇開 徐金培

Kum Poy Sew Hoy's wedding to Louisa Mong ,1899

From left: Mrs Eliza Sew Hoy, Choie Sew Hoy, Mrs Mary Ann Mong, Louisa, Kum Poy, Rose Mong, In front Henry Sew Hoy, Violet Sew Hoy. 金培和Louisa Mong 結婚照

Kum Poy Sew 徐金培

徐金培 (Kum Poy SewHoy 1865-1942) 父徐肇開、母楊氏,生於上番禺社崗村。1882年十五歲時到紐西蘭,肄業於 Dunedin normal school,精通英語。

1897年,其兄金玉回國,金培仍留在Dunedin, 協助父親營商並在礦場為秘書。兩兄弟分別負起在中國及紐西蘭家族生意。 1901年肇開公去世後,金培繼承父業營辦什貨舖。此時像其父親一樣,人皆以 SEW HOY 先生稱之,原姓徐氏、少人知曉。

金培有妻二人子鏡寮,乃元配江氏所生。鏡寮婚後生有兩女。 1899年金培再婚,娶 LAWRENCE 地方商家之女 LOUISA MONG 。

金培最大成就乃於 1890 年助其父於 Nokomai礦場運用水力淘金,並籌辦公司上市。


金培熱心助人,以巨額貸款給另一金礦公司東主 James Fletcher 助其解決困難及業務發展。

Sir James Fletcher 讚揚金培為一個重信義、不畏難之傑出人士。

金培於1942年去世,遺體安葬於Southern cemetery,Dunedin, New Zealand


- Windows on a Chinese Past, vols 1-4, by Dr James Ng, Otago Heritage Press, Dunedin, 1993-1999.

- Southern People: A Dictionary of Otago Southland Biography, ed by Jane Thomson, Longacre Press, Dunedin, 1998.