(as experienced during the Sew Hoy Family Reunion 150th Anniversary in 2019)

The intention of this tour is to take you on a journey of Dunedin, with a focus on landmarks important to Choie Sew Hoy. We want you to be able to actually visit and see the important locations related to Choie Sew Hoy, and give you some history of his arrival in both a simple and memorable way. ​

​A very special thank you to Trevor/Jenny Agnew, who graciously supplied this website with a very comprehensive amount of time and detail. Without their help, the walking tour would not be in the complete form it is today.

据傳我們社崗徐族是源自廣東花縣三華鄉適之公的后代,始祖宗廣祖,約于明末清初時由三華移步來番禺江村社崗, 初時村名為鄧屋塘, 后來開族才改為社崗村.

宗廣祖生四子,長子有財,次子有盛,三子帝珍,四子帝明.分為四房,大房有財祖,二房有盛祖三房帝珍祖, 四房是我們達倫祖.


二十八傳肇開生三子,長子金玉別字麗山,次子金培,女齊好,齊美,后來到新西蘭從商娶西方女子生金龍, 金夙.


How Choie Sew Hoy Is Related to other Choie Families in New Zealand:

Choie Sew Hoy's New Zealand Family Tree